Tuesday, July 3

Windshield Woes...Part 2

He came back--my knight in shining armor! He was back for a very brief 10 minutes. I moved my car for him, and he proceeded to remove my windshield. I got the phone call 5 minutes later.

Him: "I hate to inform you, but I don't have the moldings or seals for your windshield for another 45 minutes."

Me: "That's okay, I don't plan on going to lunch for awhile yet."

Him: "Well that's convenient, then! I am going to go do a few other jobs in the area. I'll be back in about 2 hours to complete the job."

Wait, what? What happened to 45 minutes?

So my poor baby is sitting in the parking lot, still sporting a cracked windshield, and some bright blue tape.

I had big plans for lunch today. BIG PLANS. I had a hot date with an Italian on regular bread at Potbelly's.


erin said...


erin said...

So, wait. You do have a new windshield, right?

Mandi said...

Yup...he finally came back and fixed it. I went to Chipotle with a lady at work for a very, very late lunch at about 3:30. It tasted just as good--and we didn't have to wait in line!