Thursday, April 24

Winding Down

I officially only have 10 days of classes left! The last 3 of those are for finals, but I only have 1 day of them. I got pretty lucky, despite taking a pretty full schedule this semester. I took 4 more credits than last semester, yet somehow my finals schedule is much less hectic. Granted I have a research paper in place of a test....but I would much rather write a 10 page paper than study my butt off for a test.

My theology test is open notes, which is awesome. That just leaves me to worry about Nutrition. I have a B in that class, so how bad can I do? I present my final presentation in there on Monday with my lab group, which should only help my grade. Out powerpoint is pretty nice...

My research paper is 80% done! Literally...I have 8 out of 10 pages done. It's due May 1st (birthday present to myself?), and I'm much farther than the rest of my class seemed to be on Monday. Erin is going to help me finish it up this weekend, while Richard tries to distract us with Guitar Hero III.

I am so antsy to get OUTTA here! I have driven home almost every weekend of my 1st college year. It's so boring up here on the weekends! There's juts nothing to do, and driving into St. Cloud get's old. There's a mall, that's about it. I can't wait to get back to work and make some money so I can fix my car, get a gym membership, and play some hockey! I'm starting to feel better and better every day about my decision to attend Hamline next year. The drive from STC to home get's longer and longer every time, I swear. Now Mom, Dad, Rich, and Erin can make more of my hockey games, and hopefully baby can too.

I'm going to go pack more stuff to bring home tomorrow :)


Jon said...

I see your hockey game and raise you a pair of drum sticks!

My word Verification: fdundk

Jodi said...

You are SO lucky! I wish I only had ten days left...

Cara said...

Hey Mandi! Good luck on your finals, and congrats on completing your first year of college! Woo Hoo! Josh and the girls and I would LOVE to get to some more of your hockey games, so when you get your next schedule, let us know and we will be there! We are happy you will be back in town too! :)

See you soon!