Thursday, February 28

Rent A Cop

That's right. The great Noonie "Big Toe" Khabibulin is about to become a rent-a-cop. There's an open position in the security department here at CSB. I have all of the medical training, so I'm pretty much bound to get the job.

List of cool gadgets I would get:

Cell phone
Radio thingy
Baton (I can think of a few people I'd like to whack upside the head...)
Mace...I'll never forget when Laura taught me how to spray mace...using the tree. Then chased me around the yard with a tazer. Oh jeeze.
Cuffs (uh oh...)
Sharp lookin' uniform!

I'm just a gun shy of being a real cop, haha. Maybe for a summer job I'll work security at the MOA. I love people watching. What I wouldn't give for an orange julius and a flock of emo boys to laugh at every 20 minutes.

Would you like to laugh and poke fun now?


erin said...

You better not tazer my baby.

Mandi said...

I won't. But I can't make any guarantees on your spastic dog.

Jodi said...

Brian would be SO jealous of your tazer. That's all he really wants in life.

erin said...

Isn't that all any of us want in life?

Jon said...

Ahh yes a pager, the electronic leash of the corporate world.

The emo boys would want you to taze them.